Top 10 Things to Do in Texarkana Dec. 3-9, 2018

Monday, Dec. 3
Downtown, 7 p.m. Be downtown Monday night to enjoy Main Street’s annual community parade celebrating “My Favorite Christmas Memory” – bands, floats, lights and Santa! Learn more.
3. Christmas at the Perot with the Texarkana Symphony Orchestra
Sunday, Dec. 9
4 p.m. A Texarkana tradition! Join the TSO, TSO Chamber Singers, the Texarkana Jazz Orchestra, and Santa Claus for this Holiday concert for the whole family. Learn more.
and don’t miss
3. Tuesday, Dec. 4
Christmas Choral Splendor Concert
7 p.m., Texarkana Regional Chorale, St. Edwards Catholic Church. Experience the glory of baroque masters Bach, Handel and Corelli in the newly renovated interior of this historic church in downtown Texarkana. Learn more.
4. Thursday, Dec. 6
Bramlett Beans and Cornbread Lunch
11 a.m.-1 p.m., Southwest Center. Celebrating the 20th anniversary, this lunch supports the Christmas Basket program; $6 per person or 5 non-perishable food items. Texas High’s art class will be hosting their Empty Bowls fundraiser. Join former mayor Bramlett for good food, fellowship and an opportunity to help families in need!
5. Thursday, Dec. 6
1st Annual Old Town Victorian Soiree
7-10 p.m., Old Town Building 202 East Broad St – Downtown. Attendees will be strolling the candlelit streets of Old Town and enjoying festivities including Christmas caroling, cellist, poetry and prose readings, tree decorating and a 3-course meal catered by Verona Restaurant and Wine Bar. Period dress is encouraged but not required. Limited seating! Learn more.
6. Friday & Saturday, Dec. 7-8
2018 Drive Thru LIVE Nativity
Friday 7-9 p.m., Saturday 6-9 p.m., First Assembly Texarkana, TX. Remember the true reason for the season. Step into the pages of the Bible when you drive through the Bethlehem Marketplace with over 100 people in costume (plus sheep, cows, mules, goats, camels & more). Your journey begins before you even enter the parking lot as you tune in to a specialized Radio Broadcast Hot Chocolate and candy canes. All without leaving the comfort of your vehicle. Everyone’s welcome. FREE! Learn more.
7. Saturday, Dec. 8
5th Annual Santa Sprint
From Texarkana Museums System. For ALL ages, celebrate the Joy of the Season by slipping into your Santa Suits or Jingle Bells as we race, sprint, stroll and jingle away to raise funds to support the Ace of Clubs House, the Museum of Regional History, the P. J. Ahern Home and Discovery Place Children’s Museum. Santa Sprint begins at 8 a.m. Learn more.
Also Saturday…
Gingerbread House Making at TMS Discovery Place
Build and enjoy the eating – now or later!
8. Saturday, Dec. 8
Second Saturday Trade Days, 1894 City Market
Christmas shopping PLUS the 1st 1894 Beauty Pageant at 1 p.m. And come see the Flying Crow!
9. Saturday, Dec. 8
Santa in the Park
1-4 p.m., Lakeside Pavilion at Bobby Ferguson Park in Texarkana AR. Meet Santa – enjoy hot chocolate, coffee and cookies. Christmas music and story time for the kids. Also accepting toy donations to be provided to needy families.
10. Coming week
- Get in the giving spirit by picking your angel off the Angel Tree
- Tuesday, Dec. 4 – come to Target and support the cops and firefighters as special kids shop. See how you might add to the occasion.