Featured Leader: Barbara Walker

Barbara Walker
Director of Sales, Hilton Garden Inn
President, Texarkana Hospitality Network
Hats off to Barbara Walker for her ongoing commitment to and leadership of the Texarkana Hospitality Network (THN)–an eclectic group of professionals representing a variety of businesses, all of whom are invested in attracting visitors to Texarkana, (and in sending them away as word-of-mouth ambassadors and repeat visitors to our wonderful community)! The group includes leaders from local hotels, restaurants, tourism bureaus, non-profits representing events and attractions that can… ATTRACT!
Tourism (importing NEW dollars into our community) from individuals spending an hour, a day, week or month in our community is an industry that has immense potential for economic impact that would benefit all who live in our community, so we celebrate ALL entities involved as members of the Texarkana Hospitality Network! Their success is YOUR success!
What’s goTXK got to do with it? Leadership Texarkana is proud to be partnering with the network in providing the resources of goTXK.org and “What’s to Love, TXK” for promoting all that Texarkana is and offers to attract and serve those looking in from the outside – and for providing authentic narrative and information on all that’s going on to front line workers with whom our visitors interface. On August 14, a Strategic Doing workshop was held with a group including members of the THN along with representatives from Texarkana College and the Texarkana Chamber of Commerce and the City of Texarkana, TX to plan actions around innovative ways to link and leverage collective assets–all in the service of building on the economic asset of hospitality and tourism. Very exciting – stay tuned as the group brings their ideas to fruition!