Featured Leaders: Texas A&M University-Texarkana’s 2019 Eagle Roundup
by gotxk
September 29, 2019

We celebrate the outstanding community leaders being honored THIS WEEK by Texas A&M University-Texarkana as part of their annual EAGLE ROUNDUP on OCTOBER 3rd. The individuals to be honored for 2019 include:
- Distinguished Alumni: Kristin Giles, Fred Meisenheimer*, and Jennell Ingram
- Distinguished Young Alumni – Fernanda Hernandez
- Distinguished Faculty – Dr. Sara Lawrence*.
- Pioneer Award – Jerry Sparks
- Spirit of A&M-Texarkana Award – Don* & Patsy Morriss*
(* also distinguished graduates of Leadership Texarkana!)
All honorees are being recognized for individual careers characterized by commitments to excellence and community service and exemplary service to and representation of the best of TAMU-T. The community is invited to take part in lifting up and celebrating all on the TAMU-T lawn as part of a festive evening; tickets (which include Big Jakes BBQ Dinner, music by Split Decision) are available at http://www.tamut.edu.
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