Leading the Way – Quinn and Irene Stanfill

Quinn and Irene Stanfill
Quinn and Irene Stanfill are models of the impact parents can have in supporting their children’s education and school, as two of Pleasant Grove ISD’s biggest supporters. Quinn is known as the ‘go to guy’ and has been the head coach’s right hand man and the announcer at football games. He created and designed the PG sports social media website and continues to manage it. He has led Bible studies and devotionals for the football team. Irene is a teacher in the district and Booster Club President and the creator of ‘Hawks and Heels’, which has created and organized events to promote school spirit and engage attendance. She was instrumental in forming ‘Moms of Football Players’ to provide snack bags for away games, decorate lockers and helping feed during playoffs.
They are truly the backbone of PGISD and attend all games and special events for the school. They have two children: Meagan who graduated PGHS 2016 and Connor who graduated in 2020.