Stepping Up to Lead the Way – Anthony Escobar

Someone that is making a difference in Texarkana is Anthony Escobar, Scout Executive for the Caddo Area Council. He has been in Texarkana just a few short years and has made a tremendous impact on our community. Anthony was instrumental in building a team of professionals who have the best track record for recruiting scouts to Caddo Area Council. He does all he can to make CAC the best council in the nation and right now we have been the “go-to” council to ask how to recruit, build an online merit badge program and start 2 Scout Troops through Opportunities for special needs adults.
Anthony took the opportunity for CAC to become a certifying agency to submit applications for Youth to earn the President Youth Volunteer award. CAC now has two Scouts who have achieved this honor. If you haven’t met Anthony I encourage you to stop by the council office and meet him. Be prepared because he will want to take a picture with you!