Texarkana: Superlative for Centuries!

Texarkana USA is situated geographically on land that has been viewed as SUPERLATIVE for people for hundreds of years, a land rich with timber and water and game to support lives of abundance. From the original Caddo Indian settlements, to the trade routes of earliest European visitors, to the wisdom of railroad pioneers. For centuries, our corner of the world has proven the ideal location for not just abundance, but ingenuity, diversity, record-setting growth and promise.
Another superlative to celebrate! (and THANKS to Jamie Simmons, Curator of the Texarkana Museums System for sharing her breadth of historical perspective with the LT Class of 2021 – in a virtual presentation December 8 – the 147th anniversary of first Texarkana lots for sale in 1873!) goTXK!
Check out goTXK.org for more celebration of our innumerable Texarkana superlatives!