Texarkana Educators Get Highest Honors of All School Districts from Texarkana to Sulphur Springs!

We lift up two of our Outstanding Texarkana Educators – named among the BEST IN TEXAS!
Liliana Luna, Nash Elementary Assistant Principal, has been selected as the Texas ELEMENTARY Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA) Region VIII Assistant Principal of the Year. Zach Fowler, Associate Principal of Pleasant Grove Middle School in Texarkana, TX has been selected to represent the Texas Association of SECONDARY School Principals (TASSP) as the Region 8 Outstanding Assistant Principal of the Year.

School administrators are nominated and chosen by their peers within their regions. Nominations are based upon exemplary performance and outstanding leadership. As a Region 8 honorees, both eligible to compete for the state title of Texas Assistant Principal of the Year for their level (Elementary and Secondary) – and both will be honored this summer at state conference. Both Liliana and Zach are not only outstanding as educators but are both committed to their families – and yours – investing their time and talents through community organizations (Liliana through CASA; Zach through PGYA and Dixie Baseball).
Liliana is a Leadership Texarkana graduate of 2020; Zach is a Leadership Texarkana graduate of 2021. Liliana and Zach: Adding to the Texarkana superlatives we all celebrate! CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH!
Check out goTXK.org for more celebration of our innumerable Texarkana superlatives!