Texarkana has joined the Texas leaders offering “Beds for Kids” Ministry

In 2018, Mr. Artie Erwin realized a need for providing beds for children in the area after communicating with his relatives who organize a similar ministry in other parts of the state. Beds for Kids, a ministry of Walnut Church of Christ in Texarkana, has a mission to provide beds to any child living in Bowie County or within Texarkana, AR city limits, who does not have a bed. Almost all referrals for beds are made from The Department of Family Protective Services when a case manager identifies a home without a bed for the child(ren). Since 2018, Beds for Kids has placed over 350 brand new twin-sized beds in homes. The pandemic of 2020 caused a decrease in referrals for beds, but Mr. Erwin predicts that around 120 beds will be placed this year.
All beds provided to kids are brand new, including new linens, pillows, and mattresses. According to Mr. Erwin, the local community has been a huge support of this ministry. Walnut Church of Christ, First Baptist Church, other local churches, and many local donors make the placement of new beds for kids in need a reality. Ongoing support from volunteers and local community members and organizations is vital to this ministry. Red River Lumber graciously provides lumber for the building of beds at a discounted rate, Mattress USA on Stateline provides mattresses to Beds for Kids at cost, and Fastenal donates all of the hardware needed. Red River Credit Union’s bedding drives have also been a huge support to Beds for Kids. It is acts of kindness such as these that helps ensure the ministry is able to provide any bed that is needed.
Please contact the Walnut Church of Christ Office if you know of a child in need of a bed, would like to donate new twin-sized bedding, or would like to volunteer with building beds. Any support is greatly appreciated. If you know of a child in need of a bed, a referral can be made to Walnut Church of Christ. Donations of new twin-sized bedding are always appreciated and can be dropped off at Walnut Church of Christ. Anyone interested in building beds can also contact Mr. Artie Erwin via the Walnut Church of Christ Office.