Tri-State SHRM

These last two years have been exhausting for all in the workforce. To serve and support the local Human Resource community, the leadership of the Tri-State SHRM has scheduled a seminar for this Tuesday morning at the Texas Convention revive and energize all for success in every workplace.
Tri-State SHRM President-Elect Yuliana Gonzalez says, “I think we’re all a little burned out. This seminar will be sure to get us out of that funk… It’s going to be such a great event for all! We have someone coming in to share with us Compensation Strategies to ensure that when we’re hiring new candidates and reviewing our internal structure – that we’re staying on track and remain competitive. We’ll also have Attorney Dustin Paschal from Texas SHRM that will conduct a Mock Trial for Workplace Investigations. This will be helpful for those in Management – know what to expect from the law and how to ensure the business is compliant. Lastly, we’ll have Jeff Harry come in to energize us all! He’s such a force of energy and will help us remember our “Why”- Why are be in the field that we’re in, why we are passionate about what we do and why we keep going.
The event is being held in partnership with the Chamber of commerce; Chamber members will get a $10 discount. There will also be a virtual option for those that cannot attend in person.
Kudos to Tri-State SHRM President LaTonya McElroy and the whole team at Tri-State SHRM for stepping up to lead the way in ensuring healthy and energized workplaces, and to the partners and sponsors. Learn more!