First Bikers Church of Texarkana is Regionally Renowned.

The first bikers church of Texarkana attracts a congregation from the entire 4 states area on a weekly basis. There are members that commute as far away as, from the lake DeGray area (Arkadelphia) in Arkansas, to Shreveport, LA. There is one member that comes from Dequeen, AR every week. There are multiple members from the Cass County area. These members are looking for a kind of church that simply does not exist in their towns or areas and found that in the Texarkana area.
The church was started in February 2001 by a group of bikers who wanted to find a place to worship, but didn’t really fit the church mold. The original group of seven people first met in a living room and eventually used Richmond Road Baptist Church on Tuesday nights as a place to meet. In late 2008, the church purchased the 1116 Walnut location and has been there ever since. The founders of this church came from biker backgrounds and wanted a place where the “unwanted,” not just bikers, could worship. The name 1st Bikers Church was suggested in jest, but now has stuck. They are commonly called ‘Bikers Church’ by folks who know them. The church was and is simply a place for anyone from anywhere to find a church family.
Right now, the church still meets at 1116 Walnut Street in Texarkana, Texas, on the corner of 12th and Walnut, but the church is currently expanding and a brand new church is under construction at 8085 West 7th Street on Highway 67.
Find them on Facebook here! Story provided by Terry Martin (LT Class 2023).