Matthew Butler is Leading the Way in Texarkana USA

At Bikers Church you’ll be greeted by people who will truly welcome you with open arms. It is a relaxed atmosphere where you’ll find the pastor in a T-shirt and jeans who welcomes all to “come as you are!” You’ll hear the worship of sinners saved by grace, and most of all you’ll hear the Word of God from a pastor who has seen the words come to life in himself. Pastor Matthew Butler says, “You will never meet a more awesome group of people from so many different backgrounds and walks of life who can somehow be a strong family of believers. It is truly amazing!” People are welcome to ride their bikes, drive their car, or walk to service. They do not care how you get there, what you wear, or where you come from as long as you want to find a place to worship Jesus. “What makes the church special is the unconventional way God uses regular people to reach His healing hands of mercy to the highways and the hedges.”
Bikers Church provides the Texarkana community with a great place to worship and be accepted by other believers. Their church motto which comes from 1 Corinthians 9:22, “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some,’” Their pastor, Matthew Butler says, “Our mission and vision, if you will, is not to be what other churches aren’t, it is simply to be who we are: Jesus-loving, God-fearing ‘whosoevers’.”
Bikers Church has several outreach ministries that take church out of the building. Members of the church minister in local jails and in several state penitentiaries in Arkansas. Additionally, several members minister to a variety of nursing homes in Texarkana and the surrounding area. The word from those who serve through the congregation: “Resources and members from Bikers Church are shared with many local charities as well, making Bikers Church a great place to come if you want to serve the Lord and make a difference in the Four States Area.”
Thanks to Matthew Butler and all at First Bikers Church of Texarkana for serving our community!