The CALL in Miller county has the largest CALL Mall in the state of Arkansas!

The CALL is a statewide organization that recruits, trains and supports foster families for the state of Arkansas. 60 out of the 75 counties in Arkansas have a CALL affiliation and most of those have a support center with a CALL Mall in it. Miller county is blessed to have their CALL office located in a building downtown with over 6,000 square feet of space. Two thirds of that are dedicated to housing a clothing “store” where donations are sorted, organized and ready to be shopped. The CALL in Miller County offers everything a child in foster care may need. This includes clothing, shoes, toys, baby gear, sporting goods, diapers, books and more. The best part is that these items are free to anyone with an open case with the Department of Children and Family Services or Child Protective Services. That could mean foster children, adoptive families or even biological families that are at risk of their children coming into care. The CALL has a contract with the State of Arkansas to recruit and train families but their support goes beyond state borders. Since Texarkana is a city that crosses state lines, The CALL in Miller County supports children and families from both sides. Learn more!
WE CELEBRATE the CALL in Miller County for their position of caring leadership for the state of Arkansas as well as our community!