AHS Cheerleaders Score Big at NCA Cheer Camp

Arkansas High School Varsity attended National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) Cheer Camp at the University of Arkansas – Little Rock. In addition to learning stunts, chants, and other cheerleader skills, NCA founded in 1948, encourages cheerleaders to be leaders on and off the field by getting involved and giving back to their communities.
During the NCA Cheer Camp, the AHS cheer squad received three blue superior ribbons during their evaluations throughout camp. AHS then competed in the Game Day Cheer and Band Chant divisions against other schools from around the state in the final day competitions.
The varsity team received first place in Game Day Cheer and first place in Band Chant. They were also voted Overall Most Spirited Team. Other awards include Bid to NCA Nationals, Stunt Safe Award, Technical Excellence in Motions, and Early Evaluation Herkie Team Award. Thirteen members were nominated to try out for the All-American Team.
The following nine members were named NCA All-American Cheerleaders: Makayli Harvey, Kynlee Garrett, Jackson Davis, Aniyah Black, Skii Williams, Asaya Lott, Jayla Woodberry, Lainey Brooks, and Addison Girley. Two senior members, Jackson Davis and Kynlee Garrett, were both selected to try out for NCA staff positions following graduation.
Congratulations to these AHS Students for adding yet another superlative ranking to celebrate as part of Texarkana USA’s community of excellence!