Tera Savage is Leading the Way in Texarkana USA

Tera is a natural leader who strives to provide as much as possible for anyone in need. She is a volunteer for the Salvation Army, East TX Foodbank, and Harvest Regional Foodbank and works distributing essential food items weekly through these programs. She also provides delivery of these items to individuals with no transportation, as well as volunteer rides to those who are in need.
On the weekends, she works as a volunteer for East TX Foodbank in registering new customers for services and conducts public outreach to civic organizations to inform them of services provided and the need for volunteers. Tera coordinates all board member activities, manages the inventory, pantry, and Collins Home building, and is responsible for financial reports for HandsOn Texarkana. She has lived in Texarkana since November 2021 and is active in her church. Tera leads by example and has taken on making TXK the best it can be as her personal mission.
Thank you, Tera, for standing up to lead the way in Texarkana, USA!