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A Program of Leadership Texarkana

Paul Mehrlich is Leading the Way in Texarkana USA

The beautiful new Texarkana Regional Airport didn’t just appear out of nowhere, but rather was a result of hard work invested by many individuals over more than two decades – all to eventually realize a visionary dream of airport director Paul Mehrlich– the leaders whom we lift up and celebrate this year for Stepping Up to Lead the Way in making this celebration happen!

Among others, the podium guests included the two current Texarkana mayors, Bob Bruggeman and Alan Brown; former TX mayor James Bramlett, Chamber President/CEO Denis Washington, and members of the Jim Yates family, for whom the airport has been named.  (Sonja Yates Hubbard is at the podium in the photo)

Although the aspirational dream for a new terminal had been under discussion by the Airport Authority Board for many years, it was little more than a few weeks after Paul Mehrlich arrived in Texarkana to take over the leadership role several years ago that he presented a program to members of the Wilbur Smith Rotary Club, where he shared his renderings for this particular terminal, inspired by his admiration for the airport facilities in Bozeman, Montana!   He spoke of the beauty of the natural wood and stone of that interior, the focal point of a beautiful fireplace, and the incorporated features which would celebrate our local resources and story; he has made his dream come true – and we are all the richer for his vision!

With approximately 500 in attendance for the Ribbon Cutting and grand opening, heartfelt thanks were shared from podium speakers for near one hundred leaders in the audience–individuals who generated needed funds, who worked behind the scenes or front and center on every sort of detail, public leaders who committed themselves to supporting the cause, and board members who kept it all going–all who shared the dream. 

See Also

Congratulations to ALL involved for working on behalf of all who live in the Texarkana USA Region – and sincerest THANKS for your gift to the community! 

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