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Texarkana has its first and only self-serve dog wash business!

The pet industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. People love spoiling their pets and now, Texarkana has its first and only self-serve dog wash business!
Maggie’s Suds Shop opened in April of this year on Pleasant Grove Road right next to Twin City Shaved Ice. Maggie’s is a unique, family-oriented, and family-owned business that seeks to serve all of Texarkana and its surrounding communities.
The owners of Maggie’s Suds Shop, who have 2 medium Golden doodles themselves, discovered a need for better options when it comes to bathing and taking care of their own dogs. There had to be an easier way of washing their beloved pets besides battling with them in the bathtub at home. The search was on for a better, more convenient, budget-friendly, back-saving option for keeping their dogs clean. The owners felt if they were having these issues, then surely others within the community were having the same.
In comes Maggie’s Suds Shop! Maggie’s is a completely self-serve, convenient business that allows pet owners to go and wash and dry their pets on their own time. The basic cost is $10 for 10 minutes with the ability to add more time as needed. Everything necessary to pamper your pet is provided, such as: a state-of-the-art tub/wash unit, shampoo, flea/tick shampoo, conditioner, dryer, towels, brushes and nail clippers. Maggie’s also has a one-of-a-kind vending machine with human AND dog treats available. This business is innovative, creative, and just plain fun for owners and pets alike! It is sure to make a huge impact on Texarkana.

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