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A Program of Leadership Texarkana

Cassidy Lavender is Leading the Way in Texarkana USA

Cassidy Lavender is a Texarkana Native who owns and operates Lavender Thorne a local wellness business in downtown Texarkana where they pride themselves on making every product locally in their warehouse. Cassidy’s main mission with Lavender Thorne is to lead her team to help others, which she does one product at a time.  

Cassidy is a Texarkana Native and a graduate from Texas High School. Cassidy’s father immigrated from Japan in the 1974 to Texas, and is a first generation American in her family. Cassidy has three children with her husband Price Lavender who is one of the owners of Digital Effects another successful small business in Texarkana. Cassidy’s husband is a pastor at Church Upsidedown where she helps lead women’s groups, a partner of the Haven Homens womens ministry. Cassidy is also a member of the Chamber and donates her time and products to helping other local business and charities.

THANKS Cassidy for stepping up to lead the way to business excellence and local wellness in Texarkana USA!

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