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A Program of Leadership Texarkana

REDI-SET-MOVE! Attracts 1800+ Applicants to Move to TEXARKANA!

AR-TX REDI’s project to attract remote workers to Texarkana generated more than 1800 applicants in May and June to fill ten coveted spots, according to AR-TX REDI President and CEO Rob Sitterley. As reported by Karl Richter in the Texarkana Gazette in early August, “the program offers incentives including moving expenses and free classes and tuition discounts at local colleges. 

Applicants must have an annual income of at least $75,000 and pass a background check. ” The first of ten applicants to be accepted in this inaugural year is a senior financial analyst for a healthcare provider, coming from Indianapolis, Indiana to Texarkana USA. 

CONGRATULATIONS to all involved in the REDI-Set-Move initiative! 

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