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A Program of Leadership Texarkana

Amy Miller is Leading the Way in Texarkana USA

Amy Miller is the new Texas A&M Texarkana Eagles Teach Program Specialist.
She leads the program that aims to alleviate the teacher shortage in east Texas.

Through a collaborate effort with PGISD, LEISD, TISD and Texarkana College, Eagles Teach program has implemented a multilayered initiative to identify, inform and equip future educators in our community. The ultimate goal is to create a teacher pipeline that will funnel these effective educators right back into our local classrooms. She is also helpful in helping students to obtain scholarship opportunities. She offers Instructional Practices in Learner Engagement Professional Development events at Texarkana A&M Texarkana.

Amy was previously a teacher and Reading Interventionist at Pleasant Grove ISD. Amy’s love of education coupled with her years of experience has prepared her for the role to lead the way with the Eagles Teach Program for future teachers who will pour back into our community. Amy is married to Josh Miller and is a very active mom to children, Ross and Riley Anne. Amy and her family are very involved in church, several community events and school athletics.

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