In Celebration of a Unique Community

What is the power of self-identity? What if all citizens of this area knew this about ourselves, were taught it – and celebrated it?
WHO ARE WE, Texarkana USA?
We are ONE OF A KIND with an authentic potential for excellence which is SECOND TO NONE
We are a unique community—one with a creative heritage that is second to none—and a creative spirit of ingenuity and excellence that has been the community’s authentic hallmark throughout its 130-year history.
Creativity and excellence ARE our heritage. Pioneering Texarkanians have been creatively challenging one another across a stripe in the road for over a century, to make THEIR half of this twin community ever more wonderful. And it shows. From our architectural legacy to our must-have get-along attitude, from our natural green beauty to our pursuit of educational excellence, and beyond, we believe that what Texarkana offers is one of a kind and second to none.
As we stand at the entry to our ever-evolving 21st Century world reality, we recognize the profound implication and value of Texarkana’s authentic creative potential, realizing that in today’s world, every smart community’s capacity and future will be directly linked to its creative resources.
Consequently, our future rests on building Texarkana pride, fostering creative excellence and increasing the likelihood that Texarkanians will be creative, turned-on, tuned-in and connected. We need to understand–and celebrate–who we are and can be. We should build on the iconic legacies of Texarkana-natives from Scott Joplin to Ross Perot, and celebrate the potential we each have to leave a mark on the world through our individual and collective creative endeavors. Texarkana USA: One of a Kind and Second to None

Texarkana USA…
…a thriving center for education, business and culture which attracts and serves us all.
It is no accident that our community enjoys the riches that it does.
We work for it.
Over the past five decades, the pictures painted by the community’s citizens in repeated visioning exercises have consistently reflected what we value: Community Excellence, Pride, Progress, and–always–Working Together.
In particular, citizens’ ideals have focused on:
• Commitment to Working Smart & Excellence
• Superior Educational Opportunities
• Cultural Riches
• Community Pride
• Economic, Social and Personal Well-being
Residents desire ACTION and continuous progress around these things that matter to us and that we highly value.
We seek results.
Our community has no claims to perfection–(nor do any communities we’d guess)–but having at least two of most everything, and often more, yields competitive dynamics that have created abundant first-class outcomes, with many authentically second to none.
Texarkana USA can claim superlatives including:
A community of local to federal courts, with a first class legal community.
A hub for medical services drawing from a multi-county region.
Three institutions of higher education with border-blind tuition all developing workforce for every sector.
Award winning public education
Nationally recognized STEM Education.
Robotics, Technology, Arts in Schools.
World class historic and new cultural facilities with cultural events from Broadway, Symphonic Music, Mardi Gras Parades, Rodeos.
Diversified industry, valued businesses.
Industrial parks with TexAmericas Centerattracting international prospects.
Local businesses with international clients.
Two convention centers bringing in hundreds.
Outstanding sports and rec facilities.
A community of faith featuring churches from one- to one hundred years old.
Non-profits to meet most every need.
Voluntarism and service-honored citizens.
Post Office uniquely on the state line.
Courthouse uniquely on the state line.
Championship golf courses.
Hunting and fishing.
Green Beauty.
At the hub of a highway system with all roads leading to Texarkana.