Top 10 Things to Do in Texarkana May 20-June 1, 2019 [2-Week Holiday Edition]

Spotlight on…SUMMER!
1. Celebrate Memorial Day
Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday, May 25-Monday, May 2
Honor the many who bought YOUR freedom with their lives.
Go to the Texarkana Gazette for a full listing of events.

2. Holiday Springs Water Park opens for the Season!
May 25 at 11 a.m.
And don’t miss…

3. Wednesday, May 22
First Responders Day
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner FREE in appreciation!

4. Thursdays, May 23 & 30
Summer Movies in the Park: Bumblebee (May 23) and Spiderman into the Spiderverse (May 30)
Showings begin at sunset, and as always, they’ll be screened at Spring Lake Park! Bring your own seating and preferred snacks to watch the films. The concession stand will be open and available during movies for all the enjoy as well. Blankets, bug spray, and picnics are encouraged. While we do encourage viewers to bring their own food and beverages if desired, alcohol is prohibited. Presenting Sponsor Clayton Homes. For more information, contact the Parks and Recreation department at 903-798-3978

5. Friday, May 24
Josh Abbott Band with Special Guest Mike Ryan
Scottie’s Grill, 7:30-11 p.m.

6. Sunday, May 26
Jazz on the Hill
Octavia’s Activity Center, 7 p.m. Please join us for our annual Jazz On The Hill Foundation Fundraiser benefiting Jack and Jill of America Foundation and Fifty Men Plus, Inc. Music will be provided by Michael Rhodes and The Jive Band featuring Kenneth Wiley. Party with a purpose! Benefiting the youth throughout the year!

7. May 29-June 1
Arkansas State High School Rodeo Association Finals
Four States Entertainment Center
And don’t miss the Southwest Arkansas High School Rodeo Association Finals May 25-27, 2019!

8. Wednesday, May 29
Opening Night for Texarkana Twins Baseball!
George Dobson Field. Support Texarkana’s team and a great cause: half the proceeds go to support the programs of Opportunities, Inc. Fun for all ages – bring your kids and make a memory.

9. Saturday, June 1
Texarkana Outdoor Show at Central Mall

10. Saturday, June 1
Community Yard Sale
Annual Community Yard Sale at Spring Lake Park rescheduled from earlier spring will now be held from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. on June 1. Contact 903-798-3978 for more information.
And now’s the time to register for summer camps for the kids!

TRAHC 2019 Summer Art Camps
Scholarships available; for ages 5-12 and ages 12-15

TexRep Drama Camp
June 10-22. This summer performing Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr. The Award-winning animated film and stage play comes to life in this beloved take on the classic fairytale. Each level will meet Monday-Friday at the appointed time. For K-12th. (Level I – 9-10:30 a.m., Level II – 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Level III (1-3:30 p.m.).

Summer fun Camps at Northridge and Texarkana Country Clubs
Keep active – learn and have fun! Tennis, golf, swimming – includes snacks and lunches. Non-members welcomed! Register by the day, the week, or the month. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays through the summer months. All ages. 870-772-8221

Texarkana College Kids’ College
June 24-27, for ages 7-12. New this year: Kids’ College will be ONE WEEK with longer, more intensive classes. Classes available from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. Kids will pick a COLLEGE MAJOR for the first time ever.
Take a moment or more to honor, encourage and congratulate the young adults in our community as they graduate into the next stages of their lives for all area high schools. Your support can make a difference!