T-Town Top 10 Things to Do in Texarkana March 2, 2020 – March 8, 2020

Including opportunities to Learn – to Share – and MORE!
Build the goTXK.org calendar as Texarkana USA’s go to source for all that’s going on!
Spotlight on…

1. Women in Business Conference
Wednesday, March 4
Gather together with women from our region as we empower, engage, and encourage each other at this one day conference! Purchase tickets!

2. Kiwanis Pancake Day
Saturday, March 7
Kidz K starts at 9am, Breakfast opens at 7AM!!
Come out and enjoy an all you can eat pancake breakfast for $5, followed by a Kid’s K race that includes a finishers medal! Other kids activities included such as face painting, slime making, and an obstacle course! All proceeds fund local organizations right here in Texarkana through grants from Kiwanis. To learn more go to https://kiwaniscluboftexarkana.org/

3. Pull for Heroes 2020: Sporting Clay Tournament
Saturday, March 7
The 3nd Annual Pull for Heroes is a fundraising event benefitting the ArkLaTex 100 Club. 100% of the funds raised by the 100 Club go to dependents of law enforcement or fire fighters lost in the line of duty. Remaining funds will be granted for needed but not budgeted items for law enforcement and fire departments in Bowie and Miller Counties. Learn more!
And don’t miss…

4. Good Girls, Bad Girls, & the Iron Horse Ladies
Thursday, March 5
Join the Lindsey Railroad Museum to learn about The Harvey Girls, the Swampoodle Girls & the Iron Horse Ladies! The Harvey girls served food to travelers along the rail lines, the Swampoodle girls “serviced” male train travelers right here in Texarkana, and the Iron Horse Ladies helped build America’s railroads! Learn more.

5. Tacos with the Mayor
Thursday, March 5
Join GTYP at Caminos de Guanajuato for an evening of tacos, networking and an opportunity to hear from Arkansas side Mayor Allen Brown. RSVP on the Greater Texarkana Young Professionals Facebook events page. Learn more!

6. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! The Musical!
Thursday, March 5
Whatever you do, don’t let The Pigeon star in his own musical production! Because it’s not easy being The Pigeon– you never get to do ANYTHING! But when the Bus Driver has a crisis that threatens to make her passengers (gasp!) late, maybe that wily bird CAN do something. Starring an innovative mix of actors, puppets, songs, and feathers, Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus! (The Musical) is sure to get everyone’s wings flapping. This comedic musical production is even more fun than staying up late and having a hot dog party! Based on the book by Mo Willems. Learn more!

7. William Clark Green
Friday, March 6
Mark your calendar’s for the first show of the year at Scottie’s Grill! Purchase tickets here.

8. William Rainey Slide Show & Workshop
Friday, March 6
Slide show, Mar. 6, 6:00, at 1894 Gallery, 105 Olive. Free to the public.
Workshop, Mar. 7, 11-5:00pm | Cost is $100
Contact gallery, 870-330-5003, to register for the workshop. Learn more!

9. Lucky Dog Texarkana – 11th Annual
Friday, March 6
$11,000 Added
BBR & WPRA Approved
No late fees – No processing fees
Details and entry forms coming soon at www.luckydograces.com.

10. Kenpo Kids
Monday, March 2 **Still time to register!
Kenpo Kids uses innovative, age level appropriate, methods and just the right amount of fun to teach our young students life and physical skills that will benefit them now and as they grow into adults. Register here!
FYI – This week there’s a free tree give-away being held at Spring Lake Park – Rotary Splash Pad – sponsored by the City of Texarkana, TX, Bowie Co Mater Gardens, and TA&M Forest Service. 1100 bare root seedlings and small potted trees donated by Voss Land and Timber. Email dryan@txkusa.org for more information!
Go to goTXK.org/calendar to check out ALL of the LIVE Music and additional events being held this week in Texarkana USA!

Don’t Forget to VOTE on TUESDAY, MARCH 3!