Leading the Way – Paul Norton

For being so much more as a leader in Texarkana than
“just a superintendent…”
This week we join Texarkana in lifting up Paul Norton for his leadership in our community beyond all that he has done in his role as Superintendent of TISD. In particular, we celebrate him for his six years of selfless service in multiple leadership roles as part of the Leadership Texarkana Board of Directors, including this past year as President of the organization. Where others might claim they were too busy to show up or do their part due to competing alternatives, Paul has always been 100% “In” and “on board.” His support of Leadership Texarkana’s important work in the community has been unflagging. He even personally answers texts, emails and phone calls better than anyone else. HOW he does it all, is unclear, but his example as a leader has been his gift to our organization – and we know, to so many others.
Congratulations to Paul and humblest thanks for stepping up to lead the way throughout Texarkana!