TexAmericas Center ranked in Top 10 industrial parks!

TexAmericas Center shared its ranking as the #8 industrial park on Business Facilities’ 16th Rankings Report, an annual assessment of economic development leaders. Added this year, the category for industrial parks reflects the increasing recognition of their importance to the growth of small and middle-sized enterprises and weighs the size, space availability, shovel readiness, growth potential and unique assets in order to rank facilities. In addition to TexAmericas Center’s ranking, the State of Texas earned 48 total placements in the lists, a nod to the state’s attractiveness to companies, industries, and site selectors. By Andrew Bell (shared from the Texarkana Gazette)
To which the TexAmericas Center leadership responded:
This acknowledgement would not be possible without the dedication of our vendor/contractor partners, elected officials, Board of Directors, community volunteers, TAC staff and many others. So many entities and individuals have been apart of our redevelopment efforts over the years it is hard to start listing who should get a “Thank you!”. So, if you’ve been with us from the beginning; are just starting your journey with us now; or, took a turn pushing the rope somewhere in between … “Thank you for you commitment and hard work! Your tenacity has made a difference and is finally being recognized.” However, now is no time to rest on our laurels, as there is still work to be done. https://www.facebook.com/texamericascenter
And WE say: THAT’S Texarkana USA’s secret sauce…
Congratulations to Scott, Eric, Jeff and everyone involved! and goTXK!
Check out goTXK.org for more celebration of our innumerable Texarkana superlatives!