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This cross stateline Arts and Historic District group – under the stellar leadership of David Orr – is “on go!” for moving ahead on the Courthouse Square Connections project downtown. The Courthouse Square Connections Project is a dual city effort to increase walkability and enhance the area around the existing United States Post Office and Federal Courthouse in downtown. As one of our community’s main attractions, the downtown Texarkana Federal Courthouse and Post Office sits on the state line of Texarkana and Arkansas. The Post Office is so unique that it has been noted to be the 2nd most photographed federal courthouse in the United States! Check out Project details here.
Any project that involves coordinating and generating the resources for a multi-jurisdictional project like this (two cities from two states, and improvements to Federal property) is no small feat. So big thanks and congratulations to the cross-stateline group of citizens listed who helped make this project a reality, citizens including a Strategic Doing group formed at LIfT’s Strategic Doing workshop in January. Advances to our community don’t fall out of the sky, but rather begin in the imaginations of those who see the possibilities.
PLACE MATTERS! Working Together for Community Excellence Matters! goTXK!

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