T-Town Top 10 Things to do in Texarkana August 3, 2020 – August 10, 2020

Including opportunities to Learn – to Share – and MORE!
Build the goTXK.org calendar as Texarkana USA’s go to source for all that’s going on!
*Reminder – Don’t forget to wear your mask and watch your distance!

1. University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Virtual Commencement Ceremony
Tuesday, August 4
The 2020 University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana commencement ceremony will be held virtually on Tuesday, August 4, at 6:00 p.m. The ceremony will premiere on the UAHT Facebook page and YouTube channel. A total of 510 students from counties in Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana graduated UAHT this year, earning 852 degrees and certificates.
The ceremony can be found at any of the links below:
- https://www.facebook.com/uahopetexarkana/
- https://www.youtube.com/uahopetexarkana
- https://www.uaht.edu/
- https://www.hempsteadhall.com/

2. Drawdown and Casino Night
Thursday, August 6
Temple Memorial Pediatric Center is bringing our Annual Drawdown & Casino Night to the newest event venue in Texarkana, Crossties! Join us Thursday August 6th at 6pm, starting with a delicious dinner prepared by Pops Place, beverages, and casino tables! Tickets are $100 (admits 2 people) with a chance to win $5,000. Tickets are limited, we only sell 150! So get yours ASAP! Tickets are available by calling Temple @ 903-794-2705. Learn more!

3. Polka Dots and Lollipops
August 7 – August 8
An upscale children’s clothing consignment sale located at the Four States Fairground. Learn more here!

4. Fish at Spring Lake Park
Take advantage of the pleasant summer weather to enjoy some fishing at Spring Lake Park! Learn more.

5. 1894 Market Trade Days
Second Saturdays
1894 Market Trade Days is an Open Air Market each month. Located on corner of Olive & Front Street! Vendor info can be found here.

6. “Led by the Spirit” Art Exhibition of the Old Testament by Danny Helms
While you’re at 1894 Trade Days, stop by the 1894 Gallery to see “Led by the Spirit” Art Exhibit of the Old Testament by Danny Helms. Exhibit Available from August 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020. Learn more!

7. Max the Census
Take our mayors’ challenge: Texarkana’s census numbers matter because It’s comes back in $$ for Texarkana programs. The more people our community rightfully claims as citizens the more $ we can generate for resources for our community so go online and chime in!

8. Stuff the Bus – United Way of Greater Texarkana
The Stuff the Bus program has worked for the last 11 years directly with school administration, civic organizations, and businesses throughout our community to identify students in need in over 10 school districts in Texas and Arkansas. The goal of the Stuff The Bus program is to provide necessary school supplies to students in need. Donate here!

9. Farmers Markets
Tis the season for Farmers Bounty! Visit Gateway Farmers Market – and also take advantage of ordering boxes from the Texarkana Farmers Market – A win for everyone.

10. Buy Local – Support Texarkana’s Economy
Hot tip this week: Grab your mask and go browse the thousands of titles at Books a Million – Buy an uplifting biography and ease your troubled brain!
And Don’t Forget

Submit YOUR events – virtual or real – to the GOTXK Calendar
Help us all to stay connected and submit your virtual events here!
Go to goTXK.org/calendar to check out ALL of the events being held this week in Texarkana USA!