T-Town Top 10 Things to do in Texarkana September 21, 2020 – September 29, 2020

Including opportunities to Learn – to Share – and MORE!
Build the goTXK.org calendar as Texarkana USA’s go to source for all that’s going on!
*Reminder – Stay COVID Safe! Don’t forget to wear your mask and watch your distance.

1. Get Texarkana the Money it Deserves!
The message from the cities and mayors to all citizens: Our population count will determine the amount of federal funding Texarkana receives over the next 10 years. An undercount would mean less money for health care, education, school nutrition, as well as other local needs like fire departments, roads, housing, and other infrastructural needs. With the unknown long-term impact of the pandemic and high unemployment, it is important that we get our fair share of federal funds. Only 10 more days – so complete your census today!
Visit my2020census.gov to fill out the form online.
English: (844) 330-2020 or for Spanish: (844) 468-2020

2. Draw Down for Disabilities
Thursday, September 24
2nd Annual Draw Down for Disabilities! $100 for a ticket. Will admit two people to event for chance to win $5,000! $20 for insurance! Get your ticket before we run out. Delicious food, beverages, and a silent auction with awesome items you don’t want to miss! All proceeds will go towards helping support Texarkana Resources for the Disabled, Inc. Learn more!

3. Negative Feedback LIVE
Friday, September 25
We will be performing from 8-12 PM September 25, 2020 at Crosstie’s Event Venue at the Frozen Rail. Come out and enjoy some tasty frozen adult beverages and some killer tunes! Learn more.

4. Run TEAL There’s a Cure 5K
Saturday, September 26
Our Inaugural 5K will benefit the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (501c3). Ovarian cancer hits close to home for the Newk’s family. Lori Newcomb – Co-founder of Newk’s Cares and wife of Newk’s Eatery Co-founder and CEO, Chris Newcomb – was diagnosed with stage IIIC ovarian cancer in February 2013. Her story is all too familiar for many women, as one in 70 will develop this disease. It is the fifth leading cause of death in women. We at Newk’s Eatery look forward to your help in participating in a fun, positive event that benefits OCRA, the largest global organization dedicated to advancing ovarian cancer research while supporting women and their families. Learn more here!

5. Dragon Boat Festival and Race
Saturday, September 26
5th Annual Dragon Boat Festival and Race will be held at Bringle Lake. Call 903 798-3211 to sign up teams, vendor spot and/or sponsor. Learn more!

6. 3rd Annual Recipe Exchange
Sunday, September 27
Join the Texarkana Museums System at The Flying Crow for this year’s recipe exchange. TMS will share recipes inspired by the Golden Age of train travel. From appetizers to cocktails (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), we will share samples of some of our favourite dining car recipes. Admission is free with one recipe to share. All recipes donated during this event will be added to the Texarkana Foodways collection at the Texarkana Museums System. Learn more!

7. Songwriters on the Edge of Texas
Sunday, September 27
Please join us for the 15th Annual Songwriters on the Edge of Texas Concert & Golf Tournament with headliner, Charlie Mars. All proceeds from this event go to benefit CASA for Children Texarkana. Learn more!

8. Christmas Tree Decoration Demonstration with Dylan
Sunday, September 27
Come and join Dylan for Christmas Tree Decorating Demonstrations! Dylan will be going to our different Ellis Home and Garden stores. Please call the store to RSVP. This does not guarantee a seat, but it gives us an idea of how many people to expect. All guests must wear a face mask due to the State mandate. Learn more!

9. Vintiques on Glendale Antique
Join us for a Facebook live sale of vintage & antique items! All you have to do is be the first to comment “sold” and the item number. We have some great items picked out and will share a preview on Facebook as we get closer to September 27th. We’re local to Texarkana so picking up your treasures is easy! Learn more.

10. Friday Night Football
Enjoy local sports in person – or streamed live. Check out Texarkana Game Day for the latest. Watch here!
And Don’t Forget

Submit YOUR events – virtual or real – to the GOTXK Calendar
Help us all to stay connected and submit your virtual events here!
Go to goTXK.org/calendar to check out ALL of the events being held this week in Texarkana USA!