Texarkana USA Center of one of Nation’s First Intercontinental Highways

Residents of Texarkana USA recognize that our community’s central and hubbing location is one of our key economic assets, but how many realize that that asset has been capitalized even back to the earliest days of automobile travel! Texarkana USA was central to one of the nation’s first intercontinental highways, which connected Washington, D. C. to San Diego, California! Begun in 1916, before automobiles were even prevalent, the so-called Bankhead highway (named for one of America’s pioneers of road-building) ran along the route of the current highway 67.
THANKS to Texarkana Museums System curator Jamie Simmons for sharing yet another historical superlative for Texarkanians to celebrate!
Check out goTXK.org for more celebration of our innumerable Texarkana superlatives!