New AR Rec Center Sets High Benchmark – Planning for Ever More in 2023

On Saturday, December 10th the Texarkana Arkansas Recreation Center became a beacon of Christmas spirt and community involvement as the Texarkana Arkansas Parks and Recreation Department hosted their 2nd Annual Breakfast with Santa. As the doors opened at 9am, the line had already formed back to the street and by 9:15 they had exceeded last years numbers. Over 500 people stopped by for a full course breakfast, games, crafts, goodie bags, candy and pictures with the man himself, Santa. This year the “Santa Shop” was introduced. Sponsored by the Women of Esther Class from Trinity Baptist Church, the “Santa Shop” was where children could pick out a gift for free to present to their mother, grandmother or other special lady. By the end of the day, over 400 pieces of jewelry, scarfs, candles and other items had been gift wrapped and were ready for the children to place under their tree.

Not only is this event a chance for the community to come experience the holiday spirt, it’s also an event that truly is the essence of the giving back. Over 60 volunteers from Texarkana Arkansas City Hall, Texarkana Arkansas Parks Department, the Sticks Softball Team, Trinity Baptist Church, Windstream and a host of private citizens and kids came out to give their time and resources in the true meaning of Christmas.

Plans are already in the works to make next years event bigger, better and with more exciting things to enjoy and do. Who knows. There might even be snow!