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A Program of Leadership Texarkana

Why Community Excellence Matters

Texarkana a community of excellence

A thriving center for business, education and culture that attracts and serves us all – filled with citizens who are stepping up as leaders in working together for community excellence, pride and progress.


To be honest, I’m selfish: I work toward community excellence for me–and my family. I’ve met very few whose motivations aren’t personal. But, if we create a community of excellence that serves each of us who live here, I believe we’ll attract others who want what we have.

As our Economic Development gurus remind us regularly: Our community is in competition every day, with every community in the US and the world. We compete for every higher education student, patient, gas customer, tourist, cool creative, professional, lawyer, doctor, medical support staffer, every retail giant, restaurant, grocery, history lover, airplane commuter, banker, accountant, musician, artist, manager, line worker, educator, etc. Industry may require water and power, but every individual, native or newcomer, that we want to attract as a resident, who could add “content” to our community and workforce, chooses for communities that appear to serve citizens best. Each may be attracted by communities that look better, are more “with it,” or cleaner, more “put together,” where there is less tolerance for decaying buildings, more celebration of community identity, history or uniqueness, more to do, more fresh veggies, money, or however each sees “excellence.”

Our collective commitment to creating community excellence for ourselves anchors our ability to compete. Leadership Texarkana’s success at engaging citizens as leaders in working together will be reflected as community success. With community support, LT’s work will make a difference.

See Also
A list of summer camps for kids to do in Texarkana

Ruth Ellen Whitt,
Executive Director, Leadership Texarkana

Not only One of a Kind and Twice as Nice – but with real and authentic assets for being SECOND TO NONE

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