Cheyenne Adams the Entrepreneur behind PADDLE TXK

Celebrating CHEYENNE ADAMS – for not just imagining what might add to TXK USA’s family-focused outdoor opportunities for fun – but celebrating Cheyenne for DOING what it took to make her dream a reality! Cheyenne is outdoorsy by nature, but by putting her plans on paper as a business plan, and taking her dreams PLUS PLANS to this year’s Pitch It contest, she was awarded Grand Prize of $7500 on March 30th at Pitch It’s second annual Texarkana competition for entrepreneurs.
Fast forward to July, and Cheyenne has made PADDLE TXK a reality!!! With single and tandem kayaks available for rental – along with paddle boats (and life jackets) – Cheyenne is ready for business.
We love to be lifting up cool people doing cool things in Texarkana – FOR Texarkana!! So congrats to Cheyenne, for stepping up to lead the way!
Now it’s time for all our readers to Step Up to Meet the Opportunity! Grab your kids, family or friends and join Cheyenne at Bringle Lake to support Paddle TXK!