TXK150 Committee Members

Velvet Cool
Jaime Simmons
Jaime Finley
Cylestine Thornton
Michael Stephenson
Judge Josh Morriss
Fred Norton
Chris Thomas
Robin Rogers
Lisa Thompson
Keith Beason
The TXK150 committee has been working for the past year, on behalf of ALL TEXARKANIANS, planning all sorts of fun events to bring us together in celebration of our community’s one-hundred-fiftieth year… i.e., our SESQUICENTENNIAL!
YOU CAN JOIN THE CELEBRATION by entering this year’s goTXK What’s To Love TXK shirt design competition – with this year’s theme of celebrating what’s to love about our rich history!
This year, we are celebrating 150 years of Texarkana and calling for creative minds to help us celebrate by creating a Texarkana 150th anniversary t-shirt design! Email keith.beason@txkusa.org for more information.