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Arkansas High School Junior Wins Congressional Art Competition!

Arkansas High School has announced that Krisha Oechsle, a junior at AHS, has won first place in the 4th Congressional District in the Congressional Art Competition. Sponsored annually by the Congressional Institute, this nationwide competition recognizes and encourage artistic talent among high school students across the nation.

Krisha’s exceptional artwork, created under the guidance of her art teacher, Mrs. Amber Fenix, stood out among the entries. Having participated in Mrs. Fenix’s AP art class during the past school year, Krisha’s dedication and talent are evident in her winning piece. Krisha’s artwork will be displayed at the U.S. Capitol for one year alongside other winning entries from across the country.

Southwest Airlines will be flying Krisha round-trip to Washington, DC, this summer to attend the 43rd Annual Celebration/Reception on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, where she will have the opportunity to see her artwork on display.

The Congressional Art Competition, sponsored by the Congressional Institute, recognizes and encourages artistic talent among high school students nationwide. Since its inception in 1982, the competition has provided a platform for over 650,000 students to showcase their creativity and talent.

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Congratulations to Krisha – and to all who have taught and supported her along the way!!   Another Texarkana USA superlative to celebrate!

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