Texarkana College

Dr. Jason Smith receives inaugural Truman Trailblazer Award

At the Chamber of Commerce Annual Celebration on Saturday, January 25, 2025, Texarkana College President…

Colby Calhoun’s Favorite TXK Local Eats

Cheeseburger and Fries from TLC and Quesadillas from TaMolly’s– Colby Calhoun –Academic CoachTexarkana College

Texarkana College Gorgeous in the Spring

Thank you for making Texarkana, USA twice as beautiful! Email YOUR suggestions for places in the…

TC and Community Leaders Convince State of TX to Support one of TXK USA’s Most Exciting New Assets!

To the benefit of all who live in Texarkana USA, Texarkana College leaders have successfully…

Texarkana College Opens Barber School Program

Texarkana College has launched a new barber program aimed at providing students with the skills…

First Bikers Church of Texarkana is Regionally Renowned.

The first bikers church of Texarkana attracts a congregation from the entire 4 states area…

Christmas Drive Thru at Texarkana College

Be sure to drive through the Texarkana College campus this December to see all of…

Texarkana College is making TXK Twice as Beautiful

Thank you for making Texarkana, USA twice as beautiful! For your OWN declaration of commitment…

American Bladesmith Society Honors TC President with Highest Award for Service to Bladesmithing in Education

Texarkana College President Dr. Jason Smith was recently honored with the prestigious W.W. Scagel Award,…

Texarkana College Recognized as a 2021 Leader College of Distinction

Texarkana College has been recognized at a new level of excellence -as a Leader College of Distinction –…