Superlatives are a Long Game – and Texarkana is Playing!

Texarkana USA is a community of excellence with multiple value-adding superlatives in the works for our future. Best-selling business author Patrick Leoncini says any business or organization can dominate any market if they can just get their people all rowing in the same direction. The same is true for a community. The power of the Strategic Doing (SD) process for Texarkana USA is that it is designed to do just that: to get people from myriad quarters and sectors all rowing in the same direction – AND all doing – with everyone contributing to the collaborative success of the whole! Just in the past year, Texarkana USA leaders have begun multiple Strategic Doing based teams focused on priority matters that, as they develop, will benefit all who live here.
The SD model for ecosystem transformation (i.e., maximization) is this: The core asset for any community is brainpower – no community can grow without it; brainpower becomes wealth when it is unleashed in the community and when it adds unique value through innovation and entrepreneurial applications. People who bring brainpower and innovation to a community can choose to live anywhere; they choose to live in quality, connected places – and places which have positive narratives of hope, promise, future and possibility!
The outstanding news is that Texarkana’s multiple Strategic Doing working groups are each bringing together people from multiple organizations and sectors to creatively move our community from TALK to ACTION and from ACTION to IMPACT, focused on just those priority needs: Brainpower and innovation (through SD teams pursuing Incubators, Innovation Competitions, Teen Voices of Creativity applied to Texarkana); Quality, connected places (Anti-Litter Campaign, Courthouse Square Project and Broadband Access); and Narrative (goTXK assets for engaging and attracting investment in Texarkana USA). No doubt there are other groups besides.
The Bottom Line: These are long games but SD’s power is ongoing progress and growing impact! Strategic Doing founder Ed Morrison recently had the privilege of returning to OKC to help celebrate the amazing transformations of that community, driven by Strategic Doing. He told our leaders: “I will look forward to returning to Texarkana USA in twenty years to celebrate with you all that you have been able to accomplish, too.”
Imagine a community full of citizens with the capacity to tap the potential of Strategic Doing for their personal and/or community benefit – What might that be like? Stay tuned for news of opportunities to learn more – and also for our upcoming blasts to share the ongoing “SD Doing News”.
More superlatives to celebrate! GO TEAM – and #goTXK!