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A Program of Leadership Texarkana

Dr. Holly Cunningham is Leading the Way in TXK

Dr. Holly Cunningham is a wellness chiropractor that can treat the whole family! She uses her expertise to align spines in order to help open the flow of energy in the nervous system so your body can embrace its innate ability to heal. Holly owns ‘Border City Chiropractic’ in her hometown of Texarkana. She provides chiropractic services through her non-profit organization, Hands For Life which gives everyone an opportunity to see if chiropractic care is right for them. In Dr. Cunningham’s own words, “I love that no 2 days are the same and I can use my calling to help so many different people. My clients include pregnant women, babies (my youngest patient so far was 1 day old!), local area student athletes, to our senior community – and I get to treat them all from my own clinic in the hometown where I was raised.”

Thank you Dr. Cunningham for stepping up to lead the way in Texarkana, USA! 

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