Literacy Council of Texarkana honored for Outstanding Excellence in State of Texas

The Texas Council on Family Relations awarded the Council the Meritorious Service Award. This award was established in 1981 to acknowledge and encourage outstanding services and support to families and to family life in Texas.
Founded in 1938, the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) is the oldest nonprofit, nonpartisan, multidisciplinary professional association focused solely on family research, practice, and education.
Congratulations to the amazing team at the Literacy Council for their hard work and well-deserved reward for state-wide EXCELLENCE! Another Texarkana superlative to CELEBRATE!
Pictured: Kristina Rivas-Jones, 100 Families County Coordinator and Dr. Shera Jackson, TxCFR conference co-chair, March 3, 2023, Austin, TX.

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