Texarkana College Opens Barber School Program

Texarkana College has launched a new barber program aimed at providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to become licensed barbers. The program will cover a range of topics including hair cutting and styling, facial hair grooming, and sanitation and safety practices. With a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training, students can expect to be well-prepared for a career in the barbering industry.
“With a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training, students can expect to be well-prepared for a career in the barbering industry,” said Brandon Washington, Vice President of Campus Operations and Dean of Workforce Training Programs. “Cosmetology and Barber students gain real-world experience in our student salon where the public can enjoy salon services at discounted prices.”
Washington said the Barber Program was established through the vision and preparation of Dr. Ronda Dozier, TC’s cosmetology program director. Dr. Dozier said the offering of a barber program at Texarkana College had been on her mind for several years.
“The demand for state-licensed barber professionals in this region has increased significantly in recent years,” said Dr. Dozier. “In just two semesters, TC will begin to bridge the gap by offering this program in a popular, hybrid format that promises to be high quality, low cost, and time-efficient for enrolled students.”
Dr. Dozier said that the passing of new legislation has enabled barber programs to share space in cosmetology educational facilities, tremendously reducing the cost of adding a new program.
“The instructional facility will share space with Texarkana College’s Cosmetology program,” said Dr. Dozier. “Barber students will learn a wide range of skills including hair cutting and styling, facial hair grooming, and sanitation and safety practices.”
For more information about the program, visit texarkanacollege.edu/programs/barber.