FIRST Annual goTXK What’s To Love TXK T-shirt Design

Fernando Fumey’s winning design of our 2022 goTXK T-shirt contest was fittingly celebrated at the downtown Post Office this past week for his rendering of What’s to Love, TXK, featuring this beautiful and unique bi-state asset. He was joined by LT Board contest chairs Keith Beason and Queenie Miller, along with FY23 LT Board President Jaimie Alexander as they presented him with a gift basket, including five shirts with his winning design, a gift card from Twisted Fork Restaurant, a book by Texarkana’s own DC Gomez, featuring Texarkana and signed by the author, along with myriad other goTXK items celebrating TXK love!
We are delighted to honor Fernando’s design work as the first in what we anticipate will be a delightful body of design work of What’s to Love in Texarkana, as we offer this opportunity over the coming years! Fernando’s shirts are on sale here!

We are calling all creatives to share THEIR design entries this year for the 2023 contest of What’s to Love, TXK – by the deadline of Friday, Sept 1 at 5PM! More information here.