Knowing What’s to Love about TXK Has the Proven Power to ATTRACT people to TXK!

At the recent Leadership Texarkana Class graduation, no fewer than three grads included remarks from the podium saying their new appreciation of the many superlatives of Texarkana had resulted in their commitment to remaining in Texarkana (vs imagining retiring elsewhere) – and in gathering their extended families to live here in Texarkana. Leadership Texarkana knows has from forty-three years of graduates: That TXK love and attraction is the basis annually for the commitment of grads to TXK engagement and investment.
Given that understanding, Leadership Texarkana’s initiative was designed with intention to scale that reality to the Texarkana population at large, as the foundation for building a community culture of citizens who care enough to invest themselves in Texarkana’s best future.
An unintended – but exciting and powerful – consequence of goTXK’s initiative is that the goTXK resources have proven powerful for attracting OTHERS to Texarkana… i.e., in RECRUITMENT; offers an authentic window into the reality of our community of excellence: who we are, what we value, what we do, what we have to offer and celebrate. TAMU-Texarkana recruiters have distributed hundreds of goTXK flyers in the large Texas metropolitan areas, given their discovery of goTXK’s proven power to attract students (and parents!) to our community for all the right reasons. Similarly, tourism professionals has experienced the proven power of goTXK to attract tour busses to Texarkana, for the same reason.
Bottom line: the TXK love embedded in goTXK has proven to have power to ATTRACT and RETAIN people for Texarkana for all the right reasons, whether for a day – a year – or beyond!
Share and show your Texarkana love with goTXK!