Members of the Leadership Texarkana Class of 2024

Congratulations to each of the terrific Texarkanians who are participating in the 44th flagship program, the annual class of Leadership Texarkana! The two-day opening retreat for the LT Class of 2023-24 was held this past Tuesday-Wednesday, September 12-13th at Camp Preston Hunt, with the class of thirty-nine taking the first step in investing themselves in the year-long program.
The class members will meet monthly from October through May for in-depth lessons around the various sectors of Texarkana USA, enjoying monthly learning experiences and conversations with current community leaders throughout–a true back-stage pass, engaging and equipping each with the knowledge, skills and attitude for helping to create the future they want for themselves and their children, for ALL Texarkanians. As they each learn through the program year, they are each the leaders they’ve been waiting for… (as are each of you who are reading this article!)
We extend a sincere THANKS to each participant, for being part of this special class. As well as to the many LT grads on board and beyond who contributed to the content, to the Caddo Council Board and staff for all physical requirements, AND BIG thanks to Jason Ross and Simmons Bank, who powered the retreat as session sponsors!
Stepping Up to Lead the Way to community excellence, pride and progress to benefit all in Texarkana USA!