Things to do in Texarkana July 24 – August 7, 2023

1. Keep Texarkana Beautiful Contest
Through July 28
The Keep Texarkana Beautiful (KTB) committee is excited to announce its first ever ‘Summer Spotlight’ where local businesses and residents can submit photos of their landscaping for a chance to win a grand prize and be named the KTB Summer Spotlight Winner. The contest will run from Monday, July 17th, through Friday, July 28th, and a winner will be named on August 1st. Learn more!

2. Four States Team Roping Extravaganza
August 5 – 6
Check our Four States Fairgrounds facebook page to stay up to date on this event. We will be posting things about it soon. Also you can call the office at 870-773-2941 if you have any questions. Learn more!

3. Bingo Night
Thursday, July 27
Join us for an evening of elegance, excitement, and extraordinary prizes as The Sportsplex and Age Management proudly present “The Great Gatsby Bingo Night”! This enchanting event will transport you back to the roaring 1920s. Learn more!

4. TRAHC’s Artwall Camp: Grades 7 – 12
July 25 – July 27
Join us for our ArtWall camp! Have your student create public art that will be displayed next to the Regional Arts Center. If you have any questions, please contact Chris at or 903-792-8681!

5. Movie Mania at the Texarkana Public Library
Friday, July 28
Enjoy a movie at the library every Friday at 10am and 2pm. Learn more!
6. Unity in the Community Back to School Bash
Saturday, August 5
Free school supplies to prek-12th graders, food, games, and music. Learn more!

7. $2 Tuesday at Holiday Bowl
Make plans with your kiddos! Learn more.

8. Yoga at the Southwest Center
If you’re looking for a way to wind down, don’t forget we have FREE yoga at the Southwest Center on Wednesdays. Learn more!

9. Farmers Markets
Come meet your farmers. Gateway Farmers Market is open every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning! Learn more.

10. Live Music
All Week
Head over to the goTXK calendar to take a look at all of the live music happening this week!

Check Out goTXK Calendar
CHECK OUT goTXK Calendar for upcoming events so you can BUY EARLY w/ TICKET INFO.