Things to do in Texarkana February 26 – March 5, 2024

1. Pancake Day
Saturday, March 2
IT’S PANCAKE DAY! Join us for the 66th Annual Kiwanis Pancake Day on March 2, 2024. Pancakes, bake sale, Kid’s Fun Zone – don’t miss it! Tickets $7 per person! Learn more.

2. Dancing With Our Stars
Saturday, March 2
Get your dancing shoes ready and join us for Temple’s most memorable fundraiser of the year! Learn more.

3. Four States Line Dance Festival
Saturday, March 2
Regional Line Dance Festival open to groups and individual dancers. Cost is $15 and includes access to dancing, snacks and door prizes. Sign up online or at the door. Learn more!

4. Arbor Day Tree Giveaway
Saturday, March 2
Keep Texarkana Beautiful, Texas A&M Forest Service, Bowie and Miller County Master Gardeners, and Arkansas Partnership for the Pathway will band together for the 10th Annual Arbor Day tree giveaway. Learn more here!

5. Line Dance Class at Texas Elks
Wednesday, February 28
Join our weekly line dance class Wed nights at the Elks. Cost is $5. All ages welcome. Instructor led environment. All levels of dance and types. See more information on our Facebook page Texarkana Line Dancers. Learn more!

6. Texarkana Homeless Coalition Poverty Simulator
Thursday, February 29
The Texarkana Homeless Coalition will host a poverty simulator at First Baptist Church located at 3015 Moores Lane. Join community members in an experimental learning model designed to simulate common, everyday experiences among people living in poverty. Learn more!

7. Lucky Dog Barrel Race
March 1 – March 2
Make plans to attend and learn more here!

8. My Darkest Day Movie – The Lorax
Friday, March 1
Make plans to attend this exciting event at the Texarkana Public Library! Learn more.

9. Making Connections Family Expo and Resource Fair
Saturday, March 2
Featuring exhibitors, community resources, food trucks, and speakers. We have a variety of speakers lined up with topices including Sensory Processing Disorder, Guardianship, Internet Safety, and Mental Health, among others. We will have speaker sessions and resources in Spanish as well. There will be specific resources available for the disability and special needs community. Learn more!

10. Adoption Event at Texarkana Animal League
Saturday, March 2
Our adoption center is now open the first three Saturdays of each month. Come visit with our pets and meet your new best friend. You can also browse our pets online here!

Submit a Nomination for A Wilbur Award!
Deadline March 8
Take time NOW to LIFT up friends and neighbors for annual WILBUR AWARD honors! Deadline is March 8; nominations are now live at – Anyone can nominate – anyone can be nominated – for exemplary leadership and work in the community; three categories: Adult, Youth, Organization. A program of Leadership Texarkana since 1992 – in honor and memory of “Mr. Texarkana” Wilbur Smith!

IMAGINE of ALL the places to view the eclipse on April 8 – Imagine the MAJORITY were to choose to come to TEXARKANA USA! WHAT would THAT be like for all the local business owners? WHAT COULD YOU DO to help make that happen? Just DO it! THANKS! From all our local merchants!

Submit an Idea for Pitch It Texarkana
Deadline to Register: March 8
Do you have an authentic and innovative idea? PITCH IT at Texarkana’s Entrepreneurial Competition! Learn more.

Live Music
All Week
Head over to the goTXK calendar to take a look at all of the live music happening this week!