texarkana events
1. Shop Small SaturdaySaturday, November 27To drive shoppers to Shop Small® this Nov 27, the…
1. United Way’s 7th Annual Uncork Your Support FundraiserMonday, November 15Please join us at Crossties…
Veterans DayThursday, November 11Thank a veteran for their service to our country and freedoms! Help…
1. Election Day – GO VOTE!Tuesday, November 2Let your voice be heard, go vote! See sample…
1. Downtown Fall FestivalSaturday, October 30Enjoy the great fall weather downtown and support our wonderful…
1. Texarkana, TX Annual Fall FestivalThursday, October 21Join the City of Texarkana, TX Parks and…
SPOTLIGHT ON DOWNTOWN TEXARKANA 1. Texar presents Local Bands, Local Brews, Local BitesWednesday, October 7 Grab…
1. CASA Edge of TexasMonday, September 27Please join us for the Edge of Texas Golf…
1. Engaging TexarkanaWednesday, September 22This one day learning conference will be an opportunity for individuals…
1. New Horse-Leader and Sidewalker Training at Runnin’ WJ RanchMonday, September 13Please join us for…