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TISD Earns 2024 TAEA District of Distinction Award

The Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) announced Texarkana Independent School District as one of the 94 honorees for the 2024 District of Distinction Award, indicating they are in the top 5.5 percent in art education of districts in the state.   For the 2024 award, over 1,200 districts were eligible to apply. Each district submitted documentation they met from the 14-point rubric over the 2023-2024 school year.  The districts received the honor for providing a well-rounded education that advocates and integrates visual arts curriculum to inspire creativity and build social emotional learning that connect learners to their community and beyond.

“TISD has set a high standard for visual arts advocacy, integrated visual arts curriculum, encouraged creativity, community participation, and student growth,” said Nealy Holley, Chair of the Visual Art Administrators of Texas, a division of TAEA. “It is a true testament to your visual art educators’ skill, dedication, and flexibility that the quality of their programs continued to provide strong and comprehensive visual art educational experiences to students.”

TISD Superintendent Dr. Doug Brubaker said, “Our district has a long tradition of excellence in the arts. This is the third consecutive year TAEA has recognized TISD with this honor, and to be one of only 94 districts in the state this year is a testament to the tremendous effort put forth by our Fine Arts staff and the students within the program.”

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TAEA is the largest state professional organization for art educators in the United States. It is the mission of TAEA to promote quality visual arts education through leadership, advocacy, service, and professional development.  This is the fifth year that TAEA is honoring districts that meet rigorous criteria, as evidenced by data.

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