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A Program of Leadership Texarkana

F3 Free Men’s Workouts are now happening in Texarkana!

F3 is a network of 4,503 free, peer-led workouts for men in 373 regions across the country. Since its founding in 2011 in Charlotte, North Carolina, F3 has expanded to more than 46 states, with over 3,400 scheduled workouts each week. These groups thrive because of men whose lives have been transformed through their participation in F3—and now, it’s here in Texarkana.

The Texarkana branch launched on September 8th, 2023, thanks to two brothers, Andrew (Texarkana) and Aaron Johnson (Longview). What started with just four men at the Pleasant Grove Middle School parking lot has grown into a total of around 25 local members and growing. The group meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays (at 5AM), and Saturdays (at 6:30 AM) for 45 minutes of peer-led workouts.  Workouts happen rain or shine and are always outdoors, by the flags at PGMS.  F3 is open to all men, regardless of fitness level–whether a guy is ready to go all out or hasn’t worked out in years.  The opportunity and goal is simple: just show up, work hard, and do one’s best. 

But F3 is more than a workout; it’s about building authentic relationships with other men who are striving to be stronger fathers, husbands, and leaders in the Texarkana Community. Isolation can destroy a man—but through F3, men can find a brotherhood that challenges each to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  The three Fs in F3 stand for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. (The last ‘F’ is simply about believing in something bigger than oneself).   The workout may draw men in initially, but the relationships, camaraderie, and sense of purpose are what keep them coming back, a two-for-one benefit for anyone’s well-being.

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