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A Program of Leadership Texarkana

John L. Tidwell is Leading the Way in Texarkana USA

(Nominated by Charlie Haldeman) Whether it’s his service to the people of Bowie County as a state district judge, his long-standing devotion to his church as active member and deacon, or his leadership of the Pleasant Grove ISD Board of Trustees, John’s lifelong impact boils down to commitments made when he first took office in 2017: To treat every individual with utmost dignity and respect. Tidwell’s impact on the community is most apparent in his unwavering dedication to ensuring that everyone has their fair day in court, with full adherence to due process and with a deep regard for the seemingly unending roster of cases in our justice system.
Judge Tidwell earned his bachelor’s degree in agricultural education from Texas A&M University. He later received his J.D. from South Texas College of Law. Tidwell was an agriculture teacher at Texas Senior High School in Texarkana prior to entering law school. He has been a partner at Mercy Carter Tidwell LLP since 2001.
Leadership Texarkana’s Wilbur Awards have been given annually since 1992, in memory of community servant and historian Wilbur Smith. Celebrating the power of one to positively impact our community, the Wilbur Awards are given in three categories, honoring adults, youth, and organizations to individuals and groups who demonstrate exemplary leadership in the community and a commitment to working together for community excellence.  Continuing the Wilbur tradition set from the beginning of the awards thirty-two years ago, Leadership Texarkana honors and celebrates all of the individuals and organizations which are nominated as they are all exemplary models of community leadership that are worth following.

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